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I was in the head when the lights went. It took me a little time to get a torch and get in here, and I found Breckwell gone. At least, I thought he was gone, but then I heard a noise from the tool cabinet and I opened it and he fell out." The words seemed to come out all in a rush. "Dead?" asked Mike sharply. "Nossir, I don't think so, sir.

Footsteps came running down the hall, and six men of the power crew came pouring in the door. They slowed to a halt when they saw their commanding officer was already there. "A couple of you take care of Breckwell Leister, Knox move him to one side. Bathe his face with water. No, wait; you can't do that till we get the pumps moving again. Just watch him." One of the men coughed a little.

"A course of instruction on the First and Second Laws of Robotics as applied by the Computer Corporation of Earth," said Mike, rubbing his bruised side. "But never mind that now. What's wrong with the low-power circuits?" "I don't know, sir. Breckwell is on duty in that section." "Let's go," said Mike the Angel. "We have to get this cleared up before we all suffocate."

The door was open, and a torch was spearing its beam on two men one kneeling over the prone figure of the other. The kneeling man jerked his head around as Mike and the chief came in the door. The kneeling man was Powerman First Class Fleck. Mike recognized the man on the floor as Powerman Third Class Breckwell. "What happened?" he snapped at Fleck. "Don't know, sir.