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Roblado, followed by the boy, descended the escalera; and, after being helped on his horse, rode away from the gate. The padre, at the invitation of Vizcarra, emptied another cup of Bordeos; and then, telling his host that a luncheon of the new luxury awaited him at the mission, he bade him good day, and shuffled off homeward. Vizcarra remained alone upon the azotea.

"Ha! ha! ha!" laughed the officers. "What shall it be, father?" "Well let me see. Ah! a cup of `Bordeos' that you received by last arrival." The claret was ordered and brought up; and the padre, tossing off a glassful, smacked his lips after it with the air of one who well knew and appreciated the good quality of the wine.

The company had gone through the numerous courses of a Mexican meal the "pucheros", "guisados," and endless mixtures of "chile," and the dinner was at that stage when the cloth has been carried off, and the wine flows freely, "Canario" and "Xeres", "Pedro do Ximenes", "Madeira," and "Bordeos," in bottles of different shapes, stood upon the table; and for those who liked a stronger beverage there was a flask of golden "Catalan," with another of Maraschino.

"An onza we were both on the same errand!" challenged the padre. "I won't bet, father; you always win." "Come! you'd be glad to give an onza for my news." "What news? what news?" asked the officers at once, and with hurried impatience of manner. "Another cup of Bordeos, or I choke! The dust of that road is worse than purgatory. Ah! this is a relief."