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Somewhere out in the gloom coyotes chattered and yelped, and from far across the dusky valley others answered a doleful tenson. I dozed. Frank awoke us all with a shout. We leaped up and stared blinkingly into the north. That whole region of the sky was aflame from zenith to horizon with spectral fires. It was the aurora.

Tessibel's heart bounded in sympathy, but she remained backed against the shanty wall until his eyes searched hers for a welcome. He spoke first. "My sister is dead," he said slowly, his voice breaking as the tears came into the dark eyes; "and my father sent you this." Daddy Skinner was seated blinkingly on his stool; Professor Young, hat in hand, waited for the girl to take the extended paper.

The man, broad-shouldered and heavily bearded, stretched his listless powerful length beyond a broken bamboo chair, with his eyes fixed on the fire. The woman crouched cross-legged upon the broad earthen hearth, with her eyes blinkingly fixed on her companion.

Up and down old Greylock she plodded, looking for it, hand in hand with Toandoah, but ever it eluded them! Muttering, bereft, she tossed; then for a moment awoke, blinkingly sat up, to see the moonlight flickering Mammy Moon's own smile upon the pearl-woven prophecy beside her, from which she could hardly be parted by night or day. Sleep again!