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"Of what use will it be to me to know that there is a plant at the top of the mountain which will save the life of my poor mother, if I can never reach its summit?" At this moment the Cock whom he had protected from the fox appeared on the borders of the river, and said to him: "The fairy Bienfaisante can do nothing for you. This mountain is beyond her control.

"Doctor, I come from the fairy Bienfaisante, to ask the plant of life to cure my poor sick mother, who is about to die." "All those who come from the fairy Bienfaisante," said the little Doctor, raising his hat respectfully, "are most welcome. Come, my boy, I will give you the plant you seek."

She could neither speak nor swallow and she no longer knew her little Henry, who was sobbing on his knees near her bed. In his despair, he cried out: "Fairy Bienfaisante, come to my help! Save my mother!" Henry had scarcely pronounced these words, when a window opened and a lady richly dressed entered and in a soft voice, said to him: "What do you wish of me, my little friend?

The Doctor drew a little pruning-knife from his pocket, cut a bunch and gave it to Henry, saying: "Take this and use it as the good fairy Bienfaisante directed but do not allow it to leave your hands. If you lay it down under any circumstances it will escape from you and you will never recover it."