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At last, when I came to myself, I heard the princess say with sorrow, 'What bloody tyrant hath used thee so cruelly? did he not fear even the great idol? After ten days, with the efficacy of the spirit of bed-mushk, and sharbats, and electuaries, I opened my eyes; and saw as if the whole court of Indra were standing around me, and the princess at the head of my bed.

The nim is a large and common tree in India, the leaves of which are very bitter, and used as a decoction to reduce contusions and inflammations; also to cleanse wounds. The spirit drawn from the leaves of an aromatic tree which grows in Kashmir, called Bed-Mushk; it is a tonic and exhilarating.

Well, whatever was in my destiny, the same has come to pass. After finishing this relation, she took out some cakes fried in butter, some wheaten bread, some pulse, and meat curry from her handkerchief; but first, she dissolved some sugar in a cup of water, and put some spirit of bed-mushk in it, and gave it to me. I took it from her hand and drank it, and then ate some breakfast.

In short, the good man having thoroughly washed all the wounds with the decoction of nim, he cleansed them; those that he found fit for stitching, he sewed up; and on the others he laid lint and plasters, which he took out of his box, and tied them up with bandages, and said with much kindness, "I will continue to call morning and evening; be thou careful that she remain perfectly quiet, so that the stitches may not give way; let her food be chicken broth administered in small quantities at a time, and give her often the spirit of Bed-Mushk, with rose water, so that her strength may be supported."

This is, as the vulgate hath it, "coming it a little too strong;" but be it remembered that Oriental story-tellers do not mar the interest of their narrative by a slavish adherence to probability. Here the king Azad Bakht speaks in his own person, and addresses himself to the four darweshes. With regard to the essence of bed-mushk vide note 2, page 42.