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"Do you think that there is in town one woman who could resist me?" "I do think so." "Me, Apollo?" "You, my Radiant." "I, who should bewitch her with poetry and charm her with song and music!" "You, my Radiant." "If you were an honest god I would be willing to make a wager with you. But you, Argo-robber, if you should lose, you would disappear immediately with your sandals and caduceus."

The Argo-robber knew that he must not joke when Apollo was angry, so he stood aside cautiously and said: "If you wish to cheat me, then in the future be Hermes and I will be Apollo. I know that you are above me in power, and that you can harm me, but happily there is some one who is stronger than you and he will judge us. Radiant, I call you to the judgment of Chronid! Come with me."

"Like an old peripatetic; and then she is virtuous to the ridiculous, like my sister Artemis." "Or as her servants, the Athenian women." The Radiant turned to the Argo-robber Mercury: "It is the second time you mention, as though purposely, the virtue of the Athenian women. Are they really so virtuous?" "Fabulously so, O son of Latona!" "Is it possible!" said Apollo.

The Argo-robber raised the whole roof with his powerful hand as easily as a woman cooking a dinner raises a cover from a saucepan, and pointing to a woman sitting in a store, closed from the street by a copper gate, said: "Look!" Apollo looked and was astonished. Never Attica never the whole of Greece, produced a lovelier flower than was this woman.