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There are no cases here of importance which cannot be adjudged by the alcaldes-in-ordinary; and if we had a lawyer for a lieutenant-governor, as we used to have before the said Audiencia was established, that is sufficient for business which would be despatched with less difficulty, and without the Audiencia being missed; for when there is any suit of importance, which seldom happens, appeal can be made to the Audiencia of Mexico, as was formerly done.

On the ground floor is the prison, and the court of the alcaldes-in-ordinary. On the same square is situated the cathedral church. It is built of hewn stone, and has three naves, and its main chapel, and choir, with high and low seats. The choir is shut in by railings, and has its organ, missal-stands, and other necessary things. The cathedral has also its sacristan and his apartments and offices.

The residencias of these alcaldes-in-ordinary and their cabildos are ordered by his Majesty to be taken at the same time as that of the governor and captain-general of the islands is taken; and they give account of the administration of the revenues and the estates under their care.

But the sale of these offices has been superseded, as it is now considered that the price paid for them is of little consideration, while the disadvantage of perpetuating the purchasers in office by this method is greater. Elections of alcaldes-in-ordinary for all the Spanish towns are held on New Year's day by the cabildo and magistracy.

The settlement contains about two hundred Spanish inhabitants who live in houses of wood. It has a cabildo, consisting of two alcaldes-in-ordinary, eight regidors, and an alguacil-mayor and his officers. It has a bishop and his church, like those of other cities of these islands, without prebendaries. The city is provided with food by, and is a station for, the ships going from Maluco to Manila.