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"As a general average of these four crops the annual value of produce from one acre has decreased from $11.05 to $8.18. Here we have information which is almost if not quite equal in value to that from the Agdell rotation field at Rothamsted.

Phosphorus Helps Good Farming There is also but one place in the world where we can learn the results secured from the application of phosphorus for a period of thirty-six years in a good system of farming; and again this place is Rothamsted. In 1848 Sir John Lawes and Sir Henry Gilbert began investigations on Agdell Field.

In all cases phosphorus was used for these yields. Even more encouraging than these six-year average results from Illinois are the results of sixty years from Agdell Field at Rothamsted. Barley, 42.8 bushels in 1849 and 22.1 in 1909 Clover, 5586 pounds in 1850 and 7190 in 1910. Wheat, 32 bushels in 1851 and 37.8 in 1911.

If not, your kindergarten teacher is at fault. A four-year rotation of crops has been followed on Agdell field for more than sixty years. An average of the crop yields of the last twenty years reveals: That the yield of turnips has decreased from ten tons to one-half ton per acre since 1848. That the yield of barley has decreased from forty-six bushels to fourteen bushels since 1849.