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We might also observe, that the scent is strong and disagreeable in the aethusa: but this property, either in the plant or the poison, is not at all times to be trusted in cases of this nature. Plantae affines. Parsley. The lobes of the leaves are larger in this plant, and are not quite so deep a green. The leaves of fool's parsley are also finer cleft, and appear to end more in a short point.

Cullen has for many years commended the making it from the unripe seeds; and this mode the College of Physicians at Edinburgh have thought proper to adopt in their late Pharmacopoeia. Similar Plants. Aethusa Cynapium; Apium Petroselium; Oenanthe crocata; Oe. fistulosa; Phellandrium aquaticum. CORIANDRUM sativum. CORIANDER. The Seeds.

A well known potherb sown in the spring; and the plants, if not suffered to go to seed, will last two years. See aethusa Cynapium, in Poisonous Plants. PARSNEP. Pastinaca sativa. This is a well known esculent root, and is raised by sowing the seeds in the spring. PEA. Pisum sativum. This is a well known dainty at our tables during spring and summer. The varieties in cultivation are,

After the operation of emetics, cream of tartar is also considered of great use, as also oxymuriatic acid, infusions of nut-gall, oak bark; warm spices are considered also of use, for they may separate some part of the deleterious matter, as is shown by their effect when mixed with decoction of these plants; acerb and astringent wines are also of great use. AETHUSA Cynapium.