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"That's what I says," growled Tom Tully; "directly I opens my mouth I gets a bullying. I allus gets told I'm a-grumbling." "Well, come now," said the gunner, "speak out will you? What's the matter?" "Oh, I don't want to speak out unless you like," said Tom. "Yes, come, out with it, and don't let's have no mutinous, onderhanded ways," cried the gunner importantly.

"What are you a-grumbling here about, my man? gotten the cholera?" asked one of the dragoons, a huge, stupid-looking lad. "About you, you young long-legged cut-throat," answered Crossthwaite, "and all your crew of traitors." "Help, help, coomrades o' mine!" quoth the dragoon, bursting with laughter; "I'm gaun be moorthered wi' a little booy that's gane mad, and toorned Chartist."

"There's nobody turning their back upon you, only yourself," Polly replied; "but it's frightful to hear the way you're always a-grumbling; as if other people hadn't had their ups and downs besides you."

Ascott's letter Hilary went into the kitchen, and told Elizabeth that as soon as her work was done Miss Leaf wished to have a little talk with her. "Eh! what's wrong? Has Miss Selina been a-grumbling at me?" Elizabeth was in one of her bad humors, which, though of course they never ought to have, servants do have as well as their superiors.