United States or Colombia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This, our first experiment on the favourable result of which the success of our expedition entirely depended kept us, during the process, in a state of great excitement. It succeeded, however, to our great joy, and inspired us with confidence for the future. The little steer gave us 65lbs. of dried meat, and about 15lbs. of fat.

Scott secure a Murray cod, floating on the top of the water, that weighed 72lbs. This beautiful and excellent fish is figured in Mitchell's first work. It is a species of perch, and is very abundant, as well as several others of its own genus, that are richer but smaller; the general size of the cod varying from 15lbs. to 25lbs.

Beef is so much richer and coarser food than buffalo meat, that 10 lbs. of the former would be equivalent-to 15lbs. or 16 lbs. of the latter, and yet every scrap of that 10 lbs. was eaten by the man who received it. The women got 5 lbs., and the children, no matter how small, 3 lbs. each. Fancy a child in arms getting 3 lbs. of beef for its daily sustenance!

Réunion. Broadside guns 13 14pr. 3 40pr. car. 4 7pr. 40 330lbs. Difference of guns, and of weight of shot in favour of La Réunion 4 15lbs. Crescent. Men 257 Tons 888 Réunion. Men 320 Tons 951 Difference in favour of La Réunion 63 63 N.B. The weight has been reduced to English pounds.