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I was adree the tale tem o' sar, an' a rye putched mandy to well to kangry, an' I welled. I shooned the rashai a-rakkerin'; and when the shunaben was kerro, I welled avree and jalled alay the drum to the kitchema.

And yeck ratti my dadas, sixty besh kenna, was pirryin' par the weshes to tan, an' he shooned a bitti gudlo like bitti ranis a rakkerin' puro tacho Rommanis, and so he jalled from yeck boro rukk to the waver, and paul' a cheirus he dicked a tani rani, and she was shellin' avree for her miraben, "Rom-ma-ny, Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!" So my dada shokkered ajaw, "Rom-ma-ny chal, ak-ai!"

"When Job mullered and was chivved adree the puv, there was a nevvi kushto-dickin dui chakkas pakkered adree the mullo mokto. Dighton penned a mandy the waver divvus, that trin thousand bars was gavvered posh yeck o' the Chilcotts. An I've shooned o' some Stanleys were buried with sonnakai wongashees apre langis wastos. 'Do sar the Rommany chals kair adovo? Kek.

So he lelled dui sastern chokkas and kelled sar the ratti 'pre the bar, kairin' such a gudlo you could shoon him a mee avree; an' adree the sala he had kaired a hev adree the bar as boro as lesters sherro. So the barvelo rye del him the fino ker, and sar the mushis got matto, hallauter kettenus. Many a cheirus I've shooned my puri dye pen that a bar with a hev adree it kairs kammoben.

I have spoken in another chapter of the deeply-seated faith of the English Gipsies in the evil eye. Subsequent inquiry has convinced me that they believe it to be peculiar to themselves. One said in my presence, "There was a kauli juva that dicked the evil yack ad mandy the sala my chavo's missis an' a'ter dovo I shooned that my chavo was naflo. A bongo-yacki mush kairs wafro-luckus.