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When this occurred, a mountain-mass, several thousand feet in thickness was thus composed; the black calcareous shale-rock, however, always included some layers of the pale-yellowish siliceous sandstone, of the red conglomerate, and of the greenish jaspery and pseudo-honestone varieties.

It is in its nature allied to our pseudo-honestone, and it includes well characterised layers of that variety; and other layers of a pale green, harder, and brecciated variety; and others of red sedimentary matter, like that of bed Three. Some pebbles of porphyries are embedded in the upper part.

The rocks are of many kinds, white laminated, sometimes siliceous sandstone, purple and red sandstone, sometimes so highly calcareous as to have a crystalline fracture, argillaceous limestone, black calcareous slate-rock, like that so often described at Copiapo and other places, thinly laminated, fine-grained, greenish, indurated, sedimentary, fusible rocks, approaching in character to the so- called pseudo-honestone of Chile, including thin contemporaneous veins of gypsum, and lastly, much calcareous, laminated porcelain jasper, of a green colour, with red spots, and of extremely easy fusibility: I noticed one conformable stratum of a freckled-brown, feldspathic lava.

In some of the jaspery layers, and in some of the black siliceous slaty bands, there were irregular seams of imperfect pitchstone, undoubtedly of metamorphic origin, and other seams of brown, crystalline limestone. Here, also, were masses, externally resembling ill-preserved silicified wood. Fourthly and fifthly: calcareous pseudo-honestone; and a thick stratum concealed by detritus.

Secondly: a thick mass of smooth-grained, calcareo-aluminous, shaly rock, often marked with dendritic manganese, and having, where most compact, the external appearance of honestone. It is easily fusible. I shall for the future, for convenience' sake, call this variety pseudo-honestone.