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He had found out the only bait in the world to catch so shy a carp as my father, haaret letalis arundo. I saw that the deadly hook was within an inch of my father's nose, and that he was gazing at it with a fixed determination to swallow. But if it amused my father? Boy that I was, I saw no further.

I need scarcely tell you that I gave myself copious injections of tuberculin and spat a considerable number of bacilli. But enough remained behind to provide me with a speedy exitus letalis. Now for the essential. I must settle my bequests. I find I owe you three thousand marks. You made it possible for me to complete my medical studies. To be sure, they have failed me miserably.

But he fell to a new love as the old one was departed, and yet the ancient wound pained him still "after a more desperate and dogged manner." Haeret letalis arundo! By these passions his conversion was delayed, the carnal and spiritual wills fighting against each other within him.

During the time that he was writing the eruption of Vesuvius occurred, and he has described it with the zeal of a witness. "Sic ubi prorupti tonuit cum forte Vesevi Hesperiae letalis apex; vixdum ignea montem Torsit hiems, iamque Eoas einis induit urbes."

He had found out the only bait in the world to catch so shy a carp as my father, haaret letalis arundo. I saw that the deadly hook was within an inch of my father's nose, and that he was gazing at it with a fixed determination to swallow. But if it amused my father? Boy that I was, I saw no further.