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At which I felt very odd indeed; and began to see the world had many things in it of which I had never known; but which, now, I was resolved to know. "Honorable is embarking those malefactor canine thing with so much impediments in this small-going boat?" inquired Hiroshimi. "Yes," I answered. "At once. All four of us. Put the stuff aboard, Hiro."

When Cook sailed away, the tools were taken to the marae, or temple of Hiro, where the priest said he would cause the prized tools to reproduce their kind, like fruit. He planted them in a field near by and watched for results.

The marae was the cathedral of the Tahitians. About it focused all the ceremonies of the worship of divinity, of consecration of priests and warriors to their gods and their chiefs. The oldest marae was that of Opoa, on the island of Raiatea, the source of the religion of these groups. It was built by Hiro, the first king of Raiatea, who, deified after death, became the god of thieves.

"Also he bite me on leg. He, also, is malefactor." "He has allotted to himself the duty of caring for the property of his masters, Hiro," I said, "and hence is not really a malefactor. Besides, since he would not leave the boat and follow our trail, he is by this time hungry. Feed him, Hiro."