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He recognized the lady at once, had several times seen her on the platform when her father spoke at meetings, and the frequent presence of the Glenwilliams at the Atherstones' cottage was well known to the neighborhood. By George! if that did mean anything!

The circumstances of Coryston's disinheritance were now well known to many people; the prospects of the younger son were understood. The Glenwilliams were poor; the prospects of the party doubtful; the girl ambitious.

She sat silently there awhile, in the falling dusk, forcing back her self-control, making herself think of the next day, the arrival of the Glenwilliams, and how she would need all her strength and a clear head to go through with what she meant to do more important, that, than this trumpery business in the village!

Ah! what isn't she doing?" said Sir Wilfrid, significantly. "All the same, she lies low." As he spoke, his eyes fell upon the hillside and on the white cottage of the Atherstones emerging from the wood. He pointed. "They will be there on Sunday fortnight after the Martover meeting." "Who? The Glenwilliams?" Sir Wilfrid nodded. "And I am of opinion that something will happen.

But next week, of course, he would be in London again for the reassembling of Parliament, and hanging about the Glenwilliams' house, as before. "They're not engaged?" "Oh dear, no! Coryston doesn't believe she means it seriously at all. He also thinks that mother is plotting something." "When can I see Coryston?" Newbury turned to her with a rather forced smile.

To lay hands on the Coryston estates and the position which a Coryston marriage could give the daughter of the Yorkshire check-weigher the temptation had only to be stated to be realized. And, no doubt, in addition, there would be the sweetness for such persons as the Glenwilliams of a planned and successful revenge. Well, the scheme was simple; but the remedy was simple also.