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Of the editions of 1543, of Boiardo's "Innamorato" only one other copy is known, that in the Royal Library at Stuttgart. The 1527 edition of the "Orlando Furioso" was unknown until 1821, when Count Nilzi described the copy in his collection. Of the "Gigante Moronte", Wellesley has an absolutely unique copy.

They have pretty black eyes, those Tagalo girls, and exuberant crops of jet black hair too; but it is coarse, and freely anointed with that pungent unguent, cocoanut oil! "Mira! El Gigantè!" would be ejaculated in Spanish, whilst no less sonorous notes of admiration would be issued in the Tagalo dialect.

But here we saw all around us what there is seen only in one direction; for we were on a vastly high, square crest very like that called the Gigante, which the traveller by the Mexican Central Railroad sees to the left as he nears Silao and clouds and mountain peaks rose up about us on every side.

And there was "un gigante qualunque" the raw material for a giant, something that could be faked up into this or that special giant when wanted. Similarly there was a lady having her dress and wig altered, they told me she was "una donna qualunque" the very words I had seen a few weeks previously written up in Rome to advertise a performance in Italian of A Woman of no Importance.