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When hawks and nightingales fly together the hawk may escape, and the nightingale complain of the barbarity of kings, in a cage: 'flebiliter gemens infelix avis." "He is not fit to conduct a journal," replied Rameau, magniloquently, "who will not brave a danger for his body in defence of the right to infinity for his thought." "Bravo!" said Mrs. Morley, clapping her pretty hands.

This notwithstanding, as Segrais confesses, he might have shown a little more sensibility when he left her, for that had been according to his character. But let Virgil answer for himself. He still loved her, and struggled with his inclinations to obey the gods: "Curam sub corde premebat, Multa gemens, magnoque animum labefactus amore."

When hawks and nightingales fly together the hawk may escape, and the nightingale complain of the barbarity of kings, in a cage: 'flebiliter gemens infelix avis." "He is not fit to conduct a journal," replied Rameau, magniloquently, "who will not brave a danger for his body in defence of the right to infinity for his thought." "Bravo!" said Mrs. Morley, clapping her pretty hands.

He refused, indeed, fifty pounds from Lord Oxford; but he accepted afterwards a draught of a thousand upon the Exchequer, which was intercepted by the queen's death, and which he resigned, as he says himself, "multa gemens, with many a groan."

It is entitled, "Patriarcha," and defends the patriarchal theory of government against the social-compact theory of Hobbes. Locke vigorously attacked it in his "Two Treatises on Government" published in 1690. "Multa gemens ignominiam Plagasque superbi Victoris. This letter was published in the fourth volume of the collected edition of Swift's Works, issued by Faulkner, in Dublin, in 1735.