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Updated: August 29, 2024

Is bound and so far bound: I found hir naked, Floung out a dores and starvd, no frends to pitty hir, The marks of all her miseries upon hir, An orphan State that no eye smild upon: And then how carefully I undertooke hir, How tenderly and lovingly I noursd hir! But now she is fatt and faire againe and I foold, A new love in hir armes, my doatings scornd at.

Thy melting mind! foold with a few faire words Suffer those secreats that concerne thy life, In the Revealer not to be forgiven too, To be pluckt from thy childes hart with a promise, A nod, a smile! thyself and all thy fortunes Through thy base feare made subject to example!

Nor will the shott stay there, but with full violence Run through the rancke of frends, disperse and totter The best and fairest hopes thy fame was built on. Leid. What have I done, how am I foold and cozend! What shall redeeme me from this Ignoraunce! Bar. Not any thing thou aymst at, thou art lost: A most unpittied way thou falst. Leid.

When I am a Sychophant And a base gleaner from an others favour, As all you are that halt upon his crutches, Shame take that smoothness and that sleeke subjection! But now she is fatt and faire againe and I foold, A new love in hir armes, my doatings scornd at.

Bar. Why? Son. For certaine perishd. Utrecht is taken in, Modesbargen fled, And Leidenberge a Servant to their pleasures, A prisoner, Sir. Bar. Ha! Son. 'Tis too true. Bar. A prisoner? Son. And, some say, has byn tortured, reveald much, Even all he knowes. No letters are against ye, For those he burnt; but they have so much foold him That his owne tongue Bar. He cannot be so boyish. Son.

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