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Updated: August 25, 2024

Is thy head to be fild with Proclamations, Rejoynders and hard words beyond the Alchemist ? Be ruld, and live like a fine gentleman That may have haukes and hounds and whores and horses, And then thou art fitt Companie. Cou. You talke wildlie; I wou'd you saw your Errour that place all Your happinesse upon such course delights. I should degenerate too much and forfet My education. Cap.

"A Bacon, shining in the darkness of our age; fild wid the pure end lambent flame of science, burning with the gorrgeous scintillations of divine litherature a monumintum, in fact, are perinnius, bound in pink calico, six shillings a vollum." "This wigmawole," said Mr. I need not say, gentlemen sir that is, Mr.

Y. M. All pious thoughts that lately fild this spheare Are scatterd with the winds that issu'd from thee, Which, like the infectious yawning of a hill, Belching forth death inevitable, Has distroyd freindship and nature in me. Thou canst not poyson worse: I can feed now, Feed and nere burst with mallice.

But the next daie I thinke we had a dole of syder, syder in boules, in scuppets, in helmets, & to conclude, if a man would haue fild his bootes full, there hee might haue had it, prouant thrust it selfe into poore souldiers pockets whether they would or no.

The Town Guard who had questioned the officer about the difference of time, deciphered the blotty writing on the slip of paper pinned round the stem of the new briar-root. It ran thus: "i ope yu wil Engoy this Pip Deer; i Fild it A Purpus with Love and Menney Apey Riturnse. from "'Is gal?" interrogated the Reserve man. "His girl," assented the man who had read.

Lay your hand on your busm, and speak out boldly: Is it poatry, or sheer windy humbugg, that sounds a little melojous, and won't bear the commanest test of comman sence? In passidge number 2, the same bisniss is going on, though in a more comprehensable way: the air, the leaves, the otion, are fild with emocean at Capting Norman's happiness.

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