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Now then, the sea is precisely their best medium, the only setting suitable for the breeding and growing of such giants next to which such land animals as elephants or rhinoceroses are mere dwarves.

But this Grendel-like arm is torn off by a giantess, Hardgrip, daughter of Wainhead and niece possibly of Hafle. The voice heard at night prophesying is that of some god or monster, possibly Woden himself. "Dwarves". These Saxo calls Satyrs, and but rarely mentions. He is trapped by the hero and robbed of his treasures.

From the Skridfinns he heard of the bitter country in the north where the Jotuns dwelt, and the sun was not and the frost split the rocks to dust, while far underground before great fires the dwarves were hammering gold.

Some said he was come of the Finns, and his ill-wishers would have it that his birthplace had been behind a foss, and that he had the blood of dwarves in him. Yet though he made sport for the company, he had respect from them, for he was wise in many things, a skilled leech, a maker of runes, and a crafty builder of ships.

As in our own history it has been sometimes the fashion for ladies of rank to have dwarves and negroes among their attendants, so it seems to have been the senseless and revolting custom of the Roman ladies of this time to keep idiots among the number of their servants.