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And then, after it was declassified, it had been so far superseded that it was of only antiquarian interest; the textbooks dealt with it only in general terms. The principles, of course, are part of basic nuclear science; the secret of the A-bomb was just a bag of engineering tricks that we don't have, and which we will have to rediscover.

The general wouldn't buy interplanetary vehicles. The report lacked proof. A group from ATIC went to the Pentagon to bolster their position but had no luck, the Chief of Staff just couldn't be convinced. The estimate died a quick death. Some months later it was completely declassified and relegated to the incinerator.

He broke down during a Misfit attack on the way here; he was never cut out to be a Master Guesser, and even though he tried to kill you to get the job, he couldn't handle it. He cracked completely as soon as he tried to co-ordinate alone. We've actually missed you, Master Guesser." "May I see to the disciplining of Kraybo, sir?" The Guesser asked coldly. "You're too late. He's been declassified."

The thought of living in a Class Six environment all the rest of his life was utterly repellent to him. And there was nowhere else he could go, either. Even though he had not been tried as yet, he had effectively been Declassified. "I suppose I'll just give myself over to the Corporation," he said. "I'll tell them I was waylaid maybe they'll believe it." "Maybe? Just only maybe?"

He remembered that when he was a boy, he'd heard a Teacher Exec talk about the Geological Ages of Earth and the Teacher had said that "cave men were not contemporary with the dinosaur." At any rate, the process had gone along smoothly, even as the present process of using Class Sevens and Declassified citizens did.