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Several of our friends, among whom was Senor de Mendoza, captain of the port of Valparaiso, and brother to the celebrated astronomer who resided so long in London, accompanied us to Potrero de Mopox. This Corypha covers a part of the southern coast and takes the place of the majestic palma real and the Cocos crispa of the northern coast.

" crispa × " " " Dowiana × " " " Schofieldiana × " gigas imperialis. " Leopoldii × " Dowiana. Cypripedium Stonei × Cypripedium Godefroyæ. " " × " Spicerianum. " Sanderianum × " Veitchii. " Spicerianum × " Sanderianum. " Io × " vexillarium. Dendrobium nobile nobilus × Dendrobium Falconerii. " " × " nobile Cooksonianum. " Wardianum × " aureum. " " × " Linawianum. " luteolum × " nobile nobilius.

Crisped leaves are known in a mallow, Malva crispa, and as a variety in cabbages, parsley, lettuce and others. Screw-like stems with wide spirals are specific in the flower-stalks of Cyclamen and Vallisneria, varietal in Juncus effusus spiralis and accidental in Scirpus lacustris. Cleft leaves, one of the most general anomalies, are typical in Boehmeria biloba.

R. Pseud-Acacia monophylla is very distinct, the leaves being entire instead of pinnate; while R. Pseud-Acacia crispa has curiously-curled foliage.

I had hoped the route would be up the magnificent glacier-girdled valley in which we had encamped; but it lay up another, considerably south of it, and to which we crossed, ascending the rocky moraine, in the clefts of which grew abundance of a common Scotch fern, Cryptogramma crispa!

Ascend to Nango mountain Moraines Glaciers Vegetation Rhododendron Hodgsoni Rocks Honey-combed surface of snow Perpetual snow Top of pass View Elevation Geology Distance of sound Plants Temperature Scenery Cliffs of granite and hurled boulders Camp Descent Pheasants Larch Himalayan pines Distribution of Deodar, note on Tassichooding temples Kambachen village Cultivation Moraines in valley, distribution of Picturesque lake-beds, and their vegetation Tibetan sheep and goats Cryptogramma crispa Ascent to Choonjerma pass View of Junnoo Rocks of its summit Misty ocean Nepal peaks Top of pass Temperature, and observations Gorgeous sunset Descent to Yalloong valley Loose path Night scenes Musk deer.

L. tulipifera integrifolia has entire leaves, which render it distinct from the type; L. tulipifera fastigiata, or pyramidalis, is of erect growth; L. tulipifera aurea, with golden foliage; and L. tulipifera crispa, with the leaves curiously undulated a peculiarity which seems constant, but is more curious than beautiful.