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Well, he names all the gorgeous colours, the yellow and red and violet, or whatever it may be, as he saw them. But he can't make you see them damned if he can. He can only throw words at your head. I'm very much afraid, my dear fellow, that humanity will never get its colour-values straightened out by means of verbal symbols." "I always know when a man is drunk, even when I'm drunk myself."

The various backgrounds and those two views painted at Rome in the garden of the Villa Medici a liquid comminglement of Corot and Constable, as has been pointed out prove this man of protean gifts to have anticipated modern discoveries in vibrating atmospheric effects and colour-values. But, then, Velasquez will always be "modern."

The artistic group, sadly thinned by the ejection of four of its more imaginative and virile members who had distinguished themselves in the fray, now consisted solely of two youngsters, a black-and-white man and a literary critic; they sat in a corner by themselves, talking about colour-values in maudlin strains.

"Oh, but don't you see," exclaimed Laura Glyde, "that it's just the dark hopelessness of it all the wonderful tone-scheme of black on black that makes it such an artistic achievement? It reminded me when I read it of Prince Rupert's manière noire...the book is etched, not painted, yet one feels the colour-values so intensely...." "Who is he?" Mrs. Leveret whispered to her neighbour.

"When?" "When he talks about colour-values." "I believe you're right. I'm feeling a bit muzzy about the legs, as if I couldn't move. A bit fuzzy " "Muzzy, I think you said." "Fuzzy." "Muzzy. But we needn't quarrel about it, need we? I shall be sick in a minute, old man." "It's rather hard on a fellow to be always misunderstood.

She had not yet the power or the knowledge to dress effectively, but she was already learning intuitively such things as harmony and colour-values. She gave an eye to neatness and cleanliness, and knew how to riddle the costumes of girls of her own class, beginning with May Pearcey. She also was becoming aware of all Miss Jubb's deficiencies.