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75 12 Sitôt votre lettre reçue: 'as soon as I received your letter, = aussitôt que votre lettre fut reçue. 75 14 ventre

Et quelles sont les autres langues que parle encore mon perroquet? demanda-t-elle. L'anglais et le hollandais, Majesté, répondit Mme de Bellier. En anglais, en anglais, dit Anne d'Autriche. Et le perroquet, sans autre sommation, dit aussitôt: Give me your hand, and I shall give you my heart. Ah! dit la reine, je ne comprends pas très bien. Vous savez l'anglais, ma chère Isabelle? Oui, madame.

I told him what they were doing. 5. Some Tarasconians used to assemble and eat big pieces of beef. 6. Take some if you find any. 8. Will you tell me what each one had at the end of his gun? 10. Throw it with all your might.

My servant, by mistake, denied me to M. Francheschi, who went on to the internuncio and delivered his message to H. E. who came here immediately with M. Francheschi, and prepared a despatch for Prince Metternich detailing the transaction, and of which I have now the honour to enclose a copy that will save your Lordship the trouble of details from me.

«Downing-Street, February 19, 1831. »Dear prince Talleyrand, »Accept my best thanks for sending me the answer of your king to the Belgians deputies. I think it will probably be criticized as indicating under the expression of regret too much desire for the crown which is refused; but looking at the substance, I am quite satisfied with it.

The undersigned, citizens of the United States of America, sojourners in Paris, being deeply impressed with the friendly spirit and generai excellence of the introduction to your valuable edition of the Life and Writings of Washington, have united for the purpose of soliciting you to sit for your picture to an American artist who has earned a high réputation in his profession.

Not as a foe, but friend, converse with Death, Since to the port of happiness unknown He brought that treasure which you call your own.

I have the honour to be with high consideration, Monsieur le Baron, Your most obedient, humble servant, PALMERSTON. Monsieur le Baron, J'ai l'honneur de vous accuser réception de votre billet du 19 de ce mois, renfermant, par ordre de votre gouvernement, copie d'une dépêche du 17 que vous avez reçue du duc de Dalmatie, et qui a trait

23 juillet. À sept heures, le steward (domestique) m'appelle: your bath is ready, sir; mais c'est parfaitement nuit, le jour ne paraît qu'

Methinks a cherub bending from the skies Observes the question and serene replies, «In heav'n's high palaces your babe appears: Prepare to meet him, and dismiss your tears». Shall not th' intelligence your grief restrain, And turn the mournful to the chearful strain? Cease your complaints, suspend each rising sigh, Cease to accuse the Ruler of the sky.