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I need not say that I attach no credit to this report, and that I believe you have endeavoured, by conciliatory means, to adjust the difference. At the same time, as you have acted in the belief that the spanish government were right in their pretensions, it is clear that your advice, whatever it was, and you do not describe it particularly, could not be expected to produce much effect.

It appears essential also that, whatever substitute may be proposed, if any be found, should be considered in the first instance only as an experiment, by which the operation of the treaties in this respect would necessarily be suspended until its success or failure had been manifest.

Many blame what others praise, so, whatever you say, you will not find yourself alone in your views." With La Princesse de Clèves, Mme. de La Fayette created a new kind of fiction, "substituting," says Saintsbury, "for mere romance of adventure on the one hand, and stilted heroic work on the other, fiction in which the display of character is held of chief account."

Voici les vers anglais: Whatever is, is right; though purblind man Sees but a part o' the chain, the nearest link, His eyes not carrying to the equal beam That poises all above.

I sincerely hope that the French government may find them as anxious as we have been to maintain the closest possible union between France and England; more anxious, whatever may have been said or thought to the contrary, I am quite sure they cannot be. Yours sincerely.