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Les deux amis se turent. Le rideau se levait sur un décor oriental représentant l'intérieur d'un harem. La seconde partie de ce Burlesque Show avait pour titre The Sultan's wives. Les American Beauties de tantôt s'étaient toutes transformées en odalisques,

A comparison of the story of Tartarin's adventures at Milianah with the pages on that city in "Lettres de mon moulin" will show how many details have been borrowed from the notes Daudet took down during his stay in Algeria. 73 30

The war awakened in our sensitive poet a seriousness of purpose which harmonized but little with his native genius. Among his friends he never lost his old-time buoyant gaiety; but his works from now on show only a trace of it. The charming "Belle-Nivernaise" , a few "tarasconades," a gleam here and there in all his works, remind us of our old friend and plead for our sympathy with the new.

80 10 Va te promener! cf. note to 48 11. 80 13 six cent mille dents: each Arab had 150 teeth! Which goes to show that Daudet himself was born not far from Tarascon. But it is to be remembered that six cent mille is sometimes used merely to indicate a very large number, like English "thousands of." 80 14 dut: cf. note to 67 7.