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I am bound however, in candour, to declare that I have not hitherto seen any plan proposed which could safely be adopted as a substitute for the right of search: and when M. Guizot recollects how earnestly the people of this country have desired the abolition of the slave trade, and the enormous sacrifices which they have made, and are dayly making, to secure the attainment of this object, he will not be surprised if we hesitate to abrogate treaties the stipulations of which have been found efficient, until we are satisfied that the measures about to be proposed will be attended with equal success.

With regard to what I said at Tiverton about the proceedings of the French troops in Africa, I may have judged wrong; but I chose that opportunity on purpose, thinking that it was the least objectionable way of endeavouring to promote the interests of humanity and, if possible, to put a check to proceedings which have long excited the regret of all those who attended to them; and it certainly did not occur to me to consider whether what I said might or might not be agreeable.

Don Quixote, a Spanish gentleman, has his head turned as a result of excessive reading of romances, and, attended by his fat, vulgar squire, Sancho Panza, scours Spain, righting wrongs and rescuing fair damsels, in the fashion of the knights of old.

That the commissioners conceived the French deputies might proceed to settle a trade; but if they thought proper to limit it under such restrictions, a fitter season for these treaties must be attended, which the commissioners would readily improve whensoever it presented». Lettre écrite

They are indeed aware that the exercise of this right cannot fail to be attended with some inconvenience; and they would willingly see the adoption of any measures which should be as effectual for the accomplishment of the great end in view, and which should not be liable to the same objections.