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His funeral, with the possible exception of that of Victor Hugo, was the greatest ever accorded to any man of letters, for it was made the occasion of national mourning.

Encouraged by the king's love of art and letters, the great painters like Velázquez and Ribera vied with each other in creating masterpieces for princely patrons, and great authors like Lope, Quevedo, and Calderón sharpened their wits to please a literary public.

This work, which has probably been the most widely read of all Spanish novels since Don Quijote, marked the transition from romanticism to present-day realism in Spanish literature, as Flaubert's Madame Bovary did in French letters ten years later.

The theater of the Golden Age of Spanish letters occupies a position unique in the history of the theaters of modern Europe, for it is practically free from foreign influence and is largely the product of the popular will.

En las Original letters of His Excellency Sir Richard Fanshaw during his embassies in Spain and Portugal: London, 1702, he buscado en vano algunas noticias del teatro español.

Otras provienen del tomo II del Tratado histórico, de Pellicer. He aquí algunas noticias y anécdotas de autores célebres de la edad de oro del teatro español: «Epistolae Hoelianae. Familiar letters domestic and forren. By James Howell. 2nd edition, London, 1650. Vol. «Con tanta felpa en la capa Y tanta cadena de oro, El marido de la Vaca, ¿Qué puede ser sino toro