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By means of these axioms formulae for the transformation of measurements made in one time-system to measurements of the same facts of nature made in another time-system can be deduced. These formulae will be found to involve one arbitrary constant which I will call k. It is of the dimensions of the square of a velocity. Accordingly four cases arise. In the first case k is zero.

Thus the meaning of motion being what it is, in order to describe the motion of any system of objects without changing the meaning of your terms as you proceed with your description, you are bound to take one of these sets of axes as axes of reference; though you may choose their reflections into the space of any time-system which you wish to adopt.

Also the parallelism of planes and straight lines arises from the parallelism of the moments of one and the same time-system intersecting M. Similarly the order of parallel planes and of event-particles on straight lines arises from the time-order of these intersecting moments.

This motion represents rest in the space of another time-system call it π. Rest in π will also be represented in the space of β by a certain velocity in the α-direction in β and a certain velocity at right-angles to this α-direction.

There will be a peculiar type of location corresponding to each type of situation; and location is in each case derivative from the corresponding relation of situation in a way which I will proceed to explain. Also location in the timeless space of some time-system is a relation derivative from location in instantaneous spaces of the same time-system.

Namely, amid the alternative time-systems which nature offers there will be one with a duration giving the best average of cogredience for all the subordinate parts of the percipient event. This duration will be the whole of nature which is the terminus posited by sense-awareness. Thus the character of the percipient event determines the time-system immediately evident in nature.

Evidently motion in an instantaneous space is unmeaning. Motion expresses a comparison between position in one instantaneous space with positions in other instantaneous spaces of the same time-system. Cogredience yields the simplest outcome of such comparison, namely, rest. Motion and rest are immediately observed facts.

Then the straight line r of space α is in the direction of β in space α, and the rect ρ is the representative in the moment M of the line r of space α. The direction of ρ in the instantaneous space of the moment M is the direction of β in M, where M is a moment of time-system α.

But in any other timeless space belonging to another time-system he will be at a different point at each succeeding moment of that time-system. In other words he will be moving. He will be moving in a straight line with uniform velocity. We might take this as the definition of a straight line.

Accordingly no moment can intersect a point-track more than once, and every moment intersects a point-track in one event-particle. Anyone who at the successive moments of α should be at the event-particles where those moments intersect a given point of α will be at rest in the timeless space of time-system α.