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Did they purpose to cause him to be dismissed from the College by unanimous resolution? King was a happy man, and his house, basking in the favor of his smile, made that afternoon a long penance to the misled Prouts. And Prout himself, with a dull and lowering visage, tried to think out the rights and wrongs of it all, only plunging deeper into bewilderment.

"Guess I'd hav' 'sociate wid dem tam black raskels daan thaar, massa, an' dis chile no like dat nohow. I'se nebbah 'sparrage my famerly by 'sociatin' wid niggahs, massa, nebbah. De Prouts 'long good old plantation stock, an' raise in Lousianner!"

There is old-fashioned solid comfort in the way of furniture; and pictures, a Dürer engraving, some Prouts and Turners, a couple of old Venetian heads, and Meissonier's "Napoleon," over the fireplace a picture which Ruskin bought for one thousand guineas, showed for a time at Oxford, and hung up here in a shabby little frame to be out of the way.

Under cover of the confusion the three escaped to the corridor, whence they called in and sent up passers-by to the fray. "Rescue, Kings! Kings! Kings! Number Twelve form-room! Rescue, Prouts Prouts! Rescue, Macraes! Rescue, Hartopps!" The juniors hurried out like bees aswarm, asking no questions, clattered up the staircase, and added themselves to the embroilment.

After that, they went to Scotland and the North of England for the summer, and more fine sketches were made, some of which hang now in his drawing-room, and compare not unfavourably with the Prouts beside them.