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"It took them a gude fower oors tae get across, an' it wes coorse wark; they likit him weel doon that wy, an', Jamie, man" here Drumsheugh's voice changed its note, and his public manner disappeared "what div ye think o' this? every man o' them has on his blacks." "It's mair than cud be expeckit" said Jamie; "but whar dae yon men come frae, Drumsheugh?"

"That wad come till a trial o' brains, my lord," returned Malcolm: "an' ye dinna think I wadna hae the wit to speir advice; an', what's mair, to ken whan it was guid, an' tak it. There's lawyers, my lord." "And their expenses?" "Who would see that you applied it properly?" "My ain conscience, my lord, or Mr. Graham gien ye likit." "And how would you live yourself?"

"Whatten kind of a thing?" says grandfaither. "There cannae be naething on the Bass but just the sheep." "It looks unco like a body," quo' Sandie, who was nearer in. "A body!" says we, and we nane of us likit that. For there was nae boat that could have broucht a man, and the key o' the prison yett hung ower my faither's held at hame in the press bed.

Forbye, he was seeck, seeck unto death, and I saw mair in his een than I likit to think. "Come in-by and get some meat, man," I said. "Ye're famishin' wi' cauld and hunger." "I canna eat," he says, and his voice never changed. "It's lang since I had a bite, for I'm no hungry. But I'm awfu' thirsty. I cam here yestreen, and I can get nae water to drink like the water in the hills.

Weel, they began to crack about the Bass and which of them twa was to get the warding o't, and by little and little cam to very ill words, and twined in anger. I mind weel, that as my faither and me gaed hame again, he cam ower and ower the same expression, how little he likit Tod Lapraik and his dwams. "Dwam!" says he. "I think folk hae brunt far dwams like yon."

The steps of the youths rang on the pavements, and Donal's voice seemed to him so loud and clear that he muffled it all in gentler meaning. He spoke low, and Ginevra answered him softly. They walked close together, and Gibbie flitted to and fro, now on this side, now on that, now in front of them, now behind. "Hoo likit ye the sermon, mem?" asked Donal.

"Na, weel I wat!" said the hard-mouthed ungracious Meg. "It's Annie Anderson, Jeames Anderson's lass." The old man put his hand feebly from under the bed-clothes. "I'm glad to see ye, dawtie," he said, still without opening his eyes. "I aye wantit to see mair o' ye, for ye're jist sic a bairn as I wad hae likit to hae mysel' gin it had pleased the Lord.

"What cud gar ye think I likit sic havers? The crater was preachin' till's ain shaidow. And he pat me into sic an unchristian temper o' dislike to him and a' the concern, that I ran to my city o' refuge. I never gang to the kirk wi'oot it�-I mean my pocket-buik. And I tried to gie birth till a sang, the quhilk, like Jove, I conceived i' my heid last nicht."

The writer of one of the psalms I do not know whether David or another, says he never saw the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread; but though he may not have seen it, another may." "Weel, I fancy gien he hed, he wadna hae been lang in puttin' a stop til 't! Laird, gien a sma' maitter o' fifty poun' or sae wad tide ye ower the trible weel, ye cud pay me whan ye likit."

O oo, no; just a wee pickle siller, but nae man likit to lose onything. And folk said they highwayman wad skin the breeks aff a Hielandman. No that he was a Hielandman, though his name did begin wi' a "Mac." And so chattering, they had already won half-way across that lonely stretch of moor regarding which the drover had had misgivings.