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Barter rubbed shoulders with young men very young men they were who would one day have handles to their names, and enjoy the control of considerable estates. He sat at the same table with men whose birth and antecedents, like those of the immortal Jeames, were shrouded in a mystery.

He lifted the thing from off the minister, who rose not much hurt, but both amazed and offended at the mishap, and went to his mother in the kitchen. "Dinna say muckle to yer mither, Jeames laad," said his father as he went; "that is, dinna explain preceesely hoo the ill-faured thing happent.

"Cudna ye fin' the twenty-third psalm?�-But jist ae thing mair, Mr Turnbull, and syne I'll haud my tongue," resumed Thomas.�-"Jeames Johnstone, will ye rin ower to my hoose, and fess the Bible? It's lyin' upo' the drawers. Ye canna mistak' it.�-Jist hae patience till he comes back, sir, and we'll see hoo Mr Bruce'll read the inscription.

Ance mair, gien ye wad but hearken til ane 'at confesses he oucht to ken, even sud he be i' the wrang, I tell ye that horsie is NOT siller na, nor naething like it." "Plague take the man! what is it, then?" cried the laird. "What for didna ye speir that at me afore?" rejoined Jeames. "It wad hae gien me leeberty to tell ye to the best o' my abeelity that is.

"Ay!" she concluded, and thereafter sank into smouldering silence, "there was a futpath there afore ye was born, laird, blast or no blast; an' to that I can fess them 'at can beir testimony, ane o' them bein' nane ither nor Jeames Gracie himsel', wha's ten lang years aheid o' yer lairdship! an' lat me see man or dog 'at 'll haud me ohn taen my wull o' my richts intil't!

Jeames regarded it for some time with interest, and examined it with care. "It's a bonny bit o' carved work," he said; " a bairnly kin' o' a thing for shape mair like a timmer horsie; but whan ye come to the ornamentation o' the same, it's o' anither character frae the roon' spots o' reid paint an' sae's the sma' rubies an' stanes intil 't.

In her brougham, about to make a round of visits, she found she had forgotten her bits of pasteboard. So she sent the man back with orders to bring some of her cards that were on the mantelpiece in her boudoir, and put them in his pocket. At different houses, she told the footman to hand in one, and sometimes a couple, until at last she told Jeames to leave three at one house. "Can't do it, mum."

For Jeames Gracie, he maun hae his share o' the siller because o' the croft: we maun calculate it fairly. He'll no want muckle mair i' this warl'. Aggie 'ill be as safe's an angel ony gait. An', Cosmo, whatever God may mean to du wi' you i' this warl', ye'll hae an abundant entrance ministered to ye intil the kingdom' o' oor Lord an' Saviour.

"The beest reckonised me. Has I was putting on my palto in the hall, he came up again: 'HOW DY DOO, Jeames? says he, in a findish visper. 'Just come out here, Chawles, says I, 'I've a word for you, my old boy. So I beckoned him into Portland Place, with my pus in my hand, as if I was going to give him a sovaring. "'I think you said "Jeames," Chawles, says I, 'and grind at me at dinner?

Hardly were they seated, however, than Jeames brought in the card of a friend who had been told when they would arrive, and hastened at once to meet them. How pleasant is the first familiar face one sees in a strange land! Doubly pleasant was Mr. C.'s, because he brought hospitable invitations from other friends, kind welcomes, and tickets to several of the art exhibitions then open.