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One of his most famous operas was on the subject of Stoertebeker, a notorious highwayman , in which murders were represented with the most disgusting realism. Hamburg was the Venice of the north and, like Venice, a city of pleasure; but its pleasures were often of a coarse and licentious description.

Like the woman of spirit she was, she jumped out of bed, crept downstairs to the kitchen, picked up the broom, and listened, with her hand on the latch of the back-door. She heard the scrape of a toe-plate on the wall outside. This was too much. "You mean, sneakin', snivellin', pilferin', egg-stealin' highwayman!" cries she, and lets fly.

Have you ever seen a mad Kandur? That is what I am. Don't you know me now?" "What do you want?" "What do I want? Your bones and your skin: your black blood. You highwayman! You robber!" So saying, he tore the bandage from his eye: there was nothing amiss with that eye. "Do you know me now, herdsman?" It would have been in vain to scream.

Never mind. I dare say you did not mean it." Encouraged by this affable reception from the highwayman, though a little embarrassed by Ned's allusion to former conduct on his part, which he felt was just, Dummie grinned, pushed a stool near Ned, sat himself down, and carefully avoiding any immediate answer to Ned's complaints, rejoined, "Do you know, Meester Pepper, you struck I all of a heap?

The missionary comes after the whiskey I mean he arrives after the whiskey has arrived; next comes the poor immigrant, with ax and hoe and rifle; next, the trader; next, the miscellaneous rush; next, the gambler, the desperado, the highwayman, and all their kindred in sin of both sexes; and next, the smart chap who has bought up an old grant that covers all the land; this brings the lawyer tribe; the vigilance committee brings the undertaker.

Sally had been very useful to Rofflash in disposing of some of the trophies of his exploits on the Bath Road. The highwayman never grumbled at whatever commission she chose to take and the arrangement was to their mutual advantage. Sally took the pearls and stroked their smooth surfaces lovingly. "It's a shame to part with 'em." "Aye, they'd look brave on your neck, sweetheart." "No.

Passing from your door you jostle, it may be, the murderer and highwayman on the street; you enter a car, and the driver's breath is perhaps reeking from his last night's debauch; you sit, possibly, between the pickpocket on one side and the patient yet uncured from some epidemic on the other.

"If she doesn't, death. If she does, Rosmore will have a wife; the poor highwayman will doubtless hang at Tyburn; but we shall be rich. That matters, nothing else does." "Nothing else, Martin," and, indeed, Sir John was too excited to be troubled by any other thought. Martin guided him across the room. "Feel, Sir John.

You may wonder if you will how Harry Boyce, with nothing handsome about him but his legs, could rouse in the girl just such a wild longing as her beauty set ablaze in him. These problems, comforting to the conceit of man, are numerous. And, as usual, madame had dreamed her gentleman into a wonderful fellow. The overthrow of the highwayman became from the first a splendid achievement. Sure, Mr.

One of the squires observed in his mixture of Gascon and Catalan, "This captain of ours would make a better friar than highwayman; if he wants to be so generous another time, let it be with his own property and not ours."