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"Ah, madame," cried Croustillac, with transport "order, dispose of me I am your servant, your slave, your dog. These kind words which you have spoken will make me forget all! Your friend! you have called me your friend! Ah, madame, why am I only the poor younger son of a Gascon? I should be so happy to have it in my power to prove my devotion." "Who knows but that I have a reparation to make you?

Colbert also wanted order, but his views were higher and broader than those of Breton or Gascon merchants; in spite of his desire to "put the kingdom in a position to do without having recourse to foreigners for things necessary for the use and comfort of the French," he had too lofty and too judicious a mind to neglect the extension of trade; like Richelieu, he was for founding great trading companies; he had five, for the East and West Indies, the Levant, the North, and Africa; just as with Richelieu, they were with difficulty established, and lasted but a little while; it was necessary to levy subscriptions on the members of the sovereign corporations; "M. de Bercy put down his name for a thousand livres," says the journal of Oliver d'Ormesson.

Of course, the improvisation was carefully prepared; and it was composed in French, as the non-commissioned officers did not understand the Gascon dialect. Jasmin extolled the valour of the French, and especially of the Gascons. The last lines of his eulogy ran as follows: "O Liberty! mother of victory, Thy flag always brings us success!

"Monsieur Mordaunt!" exclaimed the Gascon, surprised. "Monsieur Mordaunt! 'tis well," said Porthos, "we shall remember that; but see, there is a postscript from Aramis." "So there is," said D'Artagnan, and he read: "We conceal the place where we are, dear friends, knowing your brotherly affection and that you would come and die with us were we to reveal it."

Moreover, the fiefs dependent on the Gascon duchy had fallen away with the attenuation of the duke's domain. In particular the viscounty of Béarn, now held by the Count of Foix, repudiated all allegiance to its English overlord. Even a thoroughly Gascon seigneur, such as the lord of Albret, was wavering in his fidelity to his duke.

"I think," replied Porthos, "it would be imprudent to attempt the same manoeuvre again; it is said that no man can succeed twice in the same way, and a failure would be ruinous. No; I will go down, seize the man unawares and bring him to you ready gagged." "That is better," said the Gascon. "Be ready," said Porthos, as he slipped through the opening. He did as he said.

The most eminent Frenchmen of the day, witness the late Paul Bert, are often peasant-born; and hardly a village throughout the country but sends some promising son of the soil to Paris, destined for one of the learned professions. I know of a village baker's son near Dijon now studying for the Bar one instance out of many. In one of her clever novelettes, 'Un Gascon, Madame Th.

The fighting began almost by accident by the bold action of a Gascon knight, Eustace d'Ambrecicourt, who rode out alone towards what was called the "battle of the marshals," and was met by Louis de Recombes with his silver shield, whom he forthwith unhorsed. This provoked a rapid advance of the marshals' battle, and the fighting began in good earnest.

Within the week the 'Moor, 'Yorkshire, 'Aurania, 'Hawarden Castle, 'Gascon, 'Armenian, 'Oriental, and a fleet of others had passed for Durban with 15,000 men. Once again the command of the sea had saved the Empire. But, now that it was too late, the Boers suddenly took the initiative, and in dramatic fashion.

A lad of sixteen, vigorous and agile, with an incipient mustache, stepped forward. "They are my wife's sons, monsieur." "In Heaven's name, your card!" cried De Loignac. "Lardille!" cried the Gascon to his wife, "come and help me." Lardille searched the pouch and pockets of her husband, but uselessly. "We must have lost it!" she cried. "Then I arrest you."