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Yeckorus a Rommany chal jalled to a boro givescroker sa's the rye sus hawin'. And sikk's the Rom wan't a-dickin', the rye all-sido pordered a kell-mallico pash kris, an' del it to the Rommany chal. An' sa's the kris dantered adree his gullo, he was pash tassered, an' the panni welled in his yakkas. Putched the rye, "Kun's tute ruvvin' ajaw for?"

I dicked my kako, waver divvus adree a lot o Rommany chals, saw a piin'. There was the juvas a koorin adoi and the mushis a koorin an' there was a boro chingaree, some with kali yakkas an' some with sherros chinned so the ratt jalled alay 'pre the drum. Your pal's got a kushti gry that can jal alangus the drum kushto. L too's got a baro kushto gry.

And my brother was devilish angry, and swore at them! "If I had you here, you wretched dogs! if I caught you, I'd cut your throats!" And he went home and told me all that that night. "Where was it?" Yes, sir; that was near Blackwater. Yeckorus sar the matchis jalled an' suvved kettenescrus 'dree the panni.

But aduro timeus yeck jalled avree an' got nashered, and kenna there's only shove; but they pens 'em the Seven Whistlers. An' that sims the story tute pookered mandy of the Seven Stars. Sir, the story of the Seven Whistlers, you know, is in the Scriptures so they told me. An' the Seven Whistlers are seven spirits of ladies that go by the night, through the air, over the heaven, like birds.

For the tickno duvel was chivved a wadras 'pre the puvius like a Rommany chal, and kistered apre a myla like a Rommany, an' jalled pale the tem a mangin his moro like a Rom. An' he was always a pauveri choro mush, like we, till he was nashered by the Gorgios. "An' he kistered apre a myla? Avali. Yeckorus he putchered the pash- grai if he might kister her, but she pookered him kek.