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His sense of equity, of what was true and honorable in men and things, remained uneffaced to a respectable degree; and surely it had resisted much. Wilder puddle of muddy infatuations from without and from within, if we consider it well, of irreconcilable incoherences, bottomless universal hypocrisies, solecisms bred with him and imposed on him, few sons of Adam had hitherto lived in.

Let him keep his eyes wide open, for here one comes.... In one particular case the watchers appeared almost unduly excited, shouting "four!" "big box" "five gendarmes!" and other incoherences with a loudness which predicted great things. I sat up.

Fourier destroyed Saint-Simon, Proudhon and Comte demolished Fourier, each in turn piling up incoherences and contradictions, leaving mere chaos behind them, which nobody dares to sort out. And since then, Socialist sects have been swarming and multiplying, the more sensible of them leading simply to dictatorship, while the others indulge in most dangerous reveries.

Que Sçais-je? was his constant motto; and his Essays are a collection of numberless variations on this one dominating theme. The Apologie de Raimond Sebond, the largest and the most elaborate of them, contains an immense and searching review of the errors, the incoherences, and the ignorance of humanity, from which Montaigne draws his inevitable conclusion of universal doubt.