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"Up to the middle, lad; and if yer give another shove I can get a bit of a pull here. That's yer sort." "I can't get you up no farder, messmate," said Bob. "Yes, I can, if you clap your foots together. I'll plant my hands again 'em, and ram yer along that way. Ready?" "Ay, ready," came in smothered tones. "There you goes then," growled Bob. "Now another. I'll shove yer feet with my hands."

"Sir, To prevent farder mischieves, whereof there hath been enough, comes these: Sir, I have my sister's pardon from the Queen's Majesty, whereof I do not doubt you will be glad, having had to say naut of matters whereof you know the purport. So, Sir, I pray for your better welfare in bodie and soul, and that it will please the fisycian to visit you in His good time.

"Ain't it koorious," he remarked solemnly in a moment of confidence after swallowing the last bite of his supper. "Ain't it koorious, Massa Nadgel, dat we're a sottin' here comf'rably enjoyin' our wittles ober de mout' ob a v'licano as is quite fit to blow us all to bits an' hois' us into de bery middle ob next week if not farder?"

To your good Lordeshippe then I yelde and committe, the firste fruictes of my libertie, the firste croppe of my labours, this first daie of the Newe yere: beseching the same in as good parte to receiue it, as I humblie offre it, and at your pleasure to vnfolde the Fardle, and considre the stuffe. Whiche euer the farder in, shall sieme I truste the more pleasaunte and fruictefulle.

Weller, thrusting Grummer aside, and addressing the magistrate with pleasant familiarity, 'this here is S. Pickvick, Esquire; this here's Mr. Tupman; that 'ere's Mr. Snodgrass; and farder on, next him on the t'other side, Mr.

Neow, I clar ter glory I kaint imagine WAR dey all gone ter, dough we bin eout only six seven monf' 'n got over tousan bar'l below. But I bin two year on er voy'ge and doan hardly SEE a sparm while, much less catch one. But" and here he whispered mysteriously "dish yer ole man's de bery debbil's own chile, 'n his farder lookin' after him well dat's my 'pinion.

I don' mean west," returned the negro, with a reciprocal grin; "you couldn't be so mistook as dat but s'pose you'se go souf by mistake?" "Why, then the straits of Magellan would bring us up." "Ah well, massa, I dun know whar de straits ob Majillum is, but it would be a comfort to be brought up anywhar, for den you couldn't go no farder.

They were all natives, clothed much in the same manner as Sambo, and armed with heavy clubs; for, as we have seen, Thorwald was resolved that this should be a bloodless victory. "Whereabouts is the boat?" whispered Ole to his henchman, as he groped his way down the rocky slopes toward the shore. "'Bout two hondr'd yards more farder in front," said Sambo.

I got as far as he did, and if I'd moved a bit farder I should ha' stuck." "Yer didn't go as far as I did." "Yes, I did, mate." "How d'yer know?" "'Cause I brought back your knife as lay just where I reached." Neb Dumlow grunted, and Bob drew a series of very long breaths. "Rayther hot in there, sir, and Neb had swallowed up all the fresh air there was." "And precious little too.

I beg ure Onur not to menshion ani thing of what I haf sad, for I wish ure Onur all thee gud luk in the wurld; and I don't cuestion butt thatt u will haf Madam Sofia in the end; butt ass to miself ure onur nose I kant bee of ani farder sarvis to u in that matar, nou bein under thee cumand off anuther parson, and nott mi one mistress, I begg ure Onur to say nothing of what past, and belive me to be, sir, ure Onur's umble servant to cumand till deth,