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'The cutting away when there's anything wrong, and the eating all the wittles when there's everything right; is that his branch? 'Never mind, retorted Mr. Bolter; 'and don't yer take liberties with yer superiors, little boy, or yer'll find yerself in the wrong shop.

"Now lookee here," he said, "you get me a file and you get me wittles; you bring both to me to-morrow morning early, that file and them wittles. You bring the lot to me at that old Battery yonder. You do it, and you never dare to say a word concerning your having seen such a person as me, and you shall be let live.

Wite where the cellar door wuz shut The table wuz; an' I Let aunty set by me an' cut My wittles up an' pie. Tuz awful funny! I could see The red heads in the churry tree; An' bee-hives, where you got to be So keerful going by; An' comp'ny there an' all! An' we <i>We et out on the porch!</i> An' a old red head flew Purt' nigh wite over my high chair, <i>When we et out on the porch!</i>

"Who the devil thinks," said a voice from a hammock, "that we're going to let ourselves be grinded as we was last night without proper wittles to support us? I'd rather have signed articles for a coal-barge, with drowned rats to eat from Gravesend to Whitstable, than shipped in this here cursed vessel, where the bread's just fit to make savages retch!"

"If those trickling streams had run down into a lake of fire they would have flown up again in steam with tremendous explosions. This lake of water did not form until the volcano was quite extinct, and " "Shall I cut up the wittles, sir?" said Bostock, who had been impatiently waiting for the doctor to end his lecture. "Here, fall to, Carey; Bostock is getting ravenous."

"Garsoon," said he, hanging up his hat, and taking his place at a vacant table laid for two, "ge wouderai some wittles," and, accordingly, the spruce-jacketed, white-aproned garçon brought him the usual red-backed book with gilt edges, cut and lettered at the side, like the index to a ledger, and, as Mr. Jorrocks said, "containing reading enough for a month." "Quelle potage voulez vous, monsieur?" inquired the garçon at last, tired of waiting while he studied the carte and looked the words out in the dictionary. "Avez-vous any potted lobster?" "Non," said the garçon, "potage au vermicelle, au riz, a la Julienne, consommé, et potage aux choux." "Old shoe! who the devil do you think eats old shoes here? Have you any mock turtle or gravy soup?" "Non, monsieur," said the garçon with a shrug of the shoulders. "Then avez-vous any roast beef?" "Non, monsieur; nous avons boeuf au naturel boeuf

Batsey, run into the larder and see if your Missis left any of that cold chine of pork last night and hear, bring the cold goose, and any cold flesh you can lay hands on, there are really no wittles on the table. I am quite ashamed to set you down to such a scanty fork breakfast; but this is what comes of not being master of your own house.

"This poor ould person is quoite aimless," says his wife with dispassionate apology; "but what can you expect at noinety-one?" I say tritely that it is a great age. "He's very fatiguin' on toimes! that he is!" she continues, eying him with contemplated candor "he crumbles his wittles to that extent that I 'ave to make him sit upo' the News of the World."

"Ay, ay, that's so," growled Bob, "and they all called out, `Wittles, wittles, in fish, on'y they've got such little voices through being so much in the damp that you couldn't hear 'em." The men laughed, and Mr Preddle joined in, but in a feeble forced way as he said weakly "No, no, that was for fresh air. They'll all be dead soon, I'm afraid."

"Yes, perhaps so," I said thoughtfully. "Why, o' course," growled Dumlow. "What? They are in the cable-tier?" "Oh, I dunno, sir; I was a-thinking about our taking they wittles in the s'loon, and it's come back like sort o' bells ringing in my ear, and Mr Denning saying she's dying. Oh yes, I recklect that, and the doctor coming. That's 'bout as far as I can get."