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He is just an item carried on the ledger. But with that knowledge the account is at last in the way of getting squared. Let us see how it stands. We shall take Jacob as a type of the street boy on the East Side, where he belonged. What does not apply to him in the review applies to his class. But there was very little of it indeed that he missed or that missed him.

The sweetness hadn't entirely gone; it was too soon for that, and besides, she knew I must be looking at her. "Couldn't you have told her they were my flowers?" I asked her at the counter, as I prepared to depart. Eliza did not look up from her ledger. "Do you think she would have believed me?" "And why shouldn't " "Go out!" she interrupted imperiously and with a stamp of her foot.

And I appeared to be searching for it, though, of course, I knew the exact page and line it was on. "Here it is: $43.30." He went to his ledger, found it correct, I suppose, and then from his cash drawer counted out the amount and asked for a receipt. I gave him one, thanked him for the money, and then remarked that I was sorry there had been any misunderstanding about the terms.

Disguises of various kinds a suit of clothes lined with chamois-leather bags for gold-smugglin' a good deal of the raw stuff itself, scattered all over the shop by the blow-up and in a rusty cashbox a diary or private ledger, posted up in a clumsy kind of thieves' cipher, impossible to make out, but with the name written on it of the identical man my wife suspected and the Chief believed to be the murderer of Miss Mildare's adopted mother!

Whereupon the Moldavian clerk, looking up from his ledger, made certain signs, which I could by no means understand.

"Is that yours, Harry?" "I give it to you." "I could not use it. It is too true." "You need not be afraid. Our countrymen never recognize a description." "They are practical." "They are more cunning than practical. When they make up their ledger, they balance stupidity by wealth, and vice by hypocrisy." "Still, we have done great things." "Great things have been thrust on us, Gladys."

Morally, this registry in a big ledger has not even the virtue of inducing a wife to take a lover. Who ever thinks of betraying an oath taken before a mayor? In order to find joy in adultery, one must be pious." "But, Monsieur," said Therese, "we were married at the church."

With a quite exceptional expenditure of effort the newspapers under British or French influence, of which the most important are the New York Times, New York Herald and Evening Telegram; the Philadelphian Public Ledger, the Chicago Herald, and the Providence Journal, in addition to a number of other sworn partisans of the Entente Powers, among which may be mentioned particularly the New York Tribune, New York Sun and Evening Sun; New York Evening Post, Journal of Commerce, New York Globe; Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Boston Evening Transcript and Philadelphian Inquirer, have lately been trying to raise our enemies in the esteem of public opinion here.

To his kin in Scotland he sent from the beginning voluminous annual epistles. They are not such as we now write, hurriedly scratched off in a few minutes. With abundant time at his disposal Nairne could write what must have occupied many days. When written, the letters were sometimes copied in a book almost as large as an office ledger.

Philadelphia Public Ledger. WIDOW GUTHRIE. Illustrated by E.W. Kemble. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50. "The Widow Guthrie stands out more boldly than any other figure we know a figure curiously compounded of cynical hardness, blind love, and broken-hearted pathos.... A strong and interesting study of Georgia characteristics without depending upon dialect.