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This was what Zelaya had been waiting for. Silently the old woman arose and turned up the lampwick a little. She knelt down before one of the padlocked boxes and unlocked it softly. Then she rummaged in the box seemingly beneath a lot of rubbish that filled it, and drew forth a japanned box like a cashbox. This was locked, too, and Zelaya wore the key of it on a string about her neck.

It was a reprieve at the last moment! He had a whole day before him for flight, and he fully intended to flee this time; those hours of suspense in the saloon were too terrible to be gone through twice. But as he was turning out his cashbox, and about to go upstairs and collect a few necessaries, he heard a well-known tread outside.

But she did not say anything then to Helen about the pearl necklace, and the cashbox of Queen Zelaya. The necklace was never out of Ruth's thought, however, for she was sure it had been stolen. The girl of the Red Mill would know the necklace again; wherever she might see it. In the first place it was the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen.

The sister was full of pity for Madame Fromont and considered her husband's conduct altogether outrageous; as for Sigismond, he could find no words bitter enough for the unknown trollop who sent bills for six-thousand-franc shawls to be paid from his cashbox. In his eyes, the honor and fair fame of the old house he had served since his youth were at stake.

As his private cashbox had been saved, owing to their vigilance and honesty, he promised to distribute its contents among them when he returned.

Disguises of various kinds a suit of clothes lined with chamois-leather bags for gold-smugglin' a good deal of the raw stuff itself, scattered all over the shop by the blow-up and in a rusty cashbox a diary or private ledger, posted up in a clumsy kind of thieves' cipher, impossible to make out, but with the name written on it of the identical man my wife suspected and the Chief believed to be the murderer of Miss Mildare's adopted mother!

"He had left his bundle in the house, and in place of it he carried a cashbox, which he set on the table between us, but did not at once open. Instead, he turned to me with a complete change of manner, and held out his hand very frankly. "'I owe you an apology, Captain, said he.

Not that there's anything of great value. I have a few papers I wouldn't care to lose, a watch and a little money but they're all safely buried in a cashbox with a good lock. The rest I have to chance, and, as I told you, I've so far been pretty lucky in repelling invaders. There's not much traffic round here, you know!" Jim and Norah laughed. "Not much," they said, nodding.

It is customary in the Five Towns, when you feel combative, astonished, or ironic towards another person, to address that other person by his full name. "You left the key in your cashbox this morning, uncle," said Helen, glancing up from a book, "while you were fiddling with your safe in your bedroom." He did not like the word "fiddling."

She bowed her head and cast her apron over it, sobbing. "Excuse me, Harry but in such moments! And they have found the cashbox. It had been battered open, presumably by a stone, and flung into the brook a hundred yards below Miss Belcher's lodge-gate." "The cashbox?" My brain whirled. "The key was in your father's pocket.