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In good time, please God. Here Mr Plornish delivered himself of an oration which he invariably made, word for word the same, on all such opportunities. It was couched in the following terms: 'John Edward Nandy. Sir. While there's a ounce of wittles or drink of any sort in this present roof, you're fully welcome to your share on it.

I cried again, as I pressed my temples with my hands, for I could see a faint gleam of light peeping through into my head, or so it seemed; but it kept on dying out again, and I was blank of memory again as ever. "Did you say wittles?" cried Dumlow, suddenly. "Ay, mate, I did." "Why, I 'members something 'bout wittles. O' course. Me and you, Bob." "When? Where?"

You've been a kind feller to me, old chap though you are a savage an' I ain't on-grateful; as long as I'm your slave I'll do my duty `honour bright; at the same time I think it fair an' above board to let you know that I'll make my escape from you when I git the chance. I'm bound for to sarve you while I eat your wittles, but I am free to go if I can manage it.

They've made thousands of pounds along of me, and have never lost none. Who can say more than that? When I took to the old girl there, I insured my life, so that she shouldn't want her wittles and drink " "Oh, M., don't!" "And I ain't afeard to die. Snengkeld, my old pal, hand us the brandy." Such is the modern philosophy of the Moulders, pigs out of the sty of Epicurus.

"If you please, ma'am, my dishes was so tasty that it made the young ladies discontented when they got 'ome. Their parents complained that it gave 'em too 'igh ideas about wittles. The principal said I was pamperin' 'em too much, an' offered to release me." Mary, who was listening, gave a loud snort of laughter, which she tried to conceal by rattling some plates. "Well, Eliza," said Mrs.

You are living on books, and are beginning to look like their half-starved authors." "You are right, Miss Millie. 'Alf the time ven I come to take havay the thinks I finds 'im readin', and the wittles 'ardly touched." "Men are such foolish, helpless things!" the young girl protested, shaking her head reprovingly at the offender. "I must have some company," he replied.

"But if it's all the same to you, we'd rather keep on as long as we can." "Why, Billy?" asked Mark. "Well, sir, since you put it like that," said the little sailor, smiling sheepishly, "it is that." "Is what, Billy?" "Why, what you mean, sir. You meant wittles. That's what you was a-thinking about.

Send him me down, or else a horn one, which I believes in desperate; but send me something before Tuesday, and I will send you P.O.O. Horn minnow looks like a gudgeon, which is the pure caseine. One pounder I caught to-day on the 'March brown' womited his wittles, which was rude, but instructive; and among worms was a gudgeon three inches long and more. Blow minnows gudgeon is the thing.

"I dun know, Bob," replied Jim, with a meditative look, "much about wit bein' in silence. I only wish there was wittles in it. Oh! wouldn't I 'old my tongue, just, till I was fit to bust!" "But there ain't wittles in it, Jim, nor nothin' else worth 'avin', so don't try it on too much to-night.

At first the Knight thought it was Dr. Bowring; but on coming nearer he heard a man with a scarlet livery and a cocked hat, call out, 'Walk in, ladies and gentlemen the most vonderful curiosity ever exhibited only one shilling the vild man from Chippoowango, in Africay eats raw wittles without being cooked, and many other surprising and pleasing performances.