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"How do you think that dog can follow us, when we're going ten miles by boat?" demanded Reddy Butts. "I don't know but the Barnacle would sprout wings and fly through the air after Purt," giggled Bobby. "It isn't the dog this time that troubles Purt deah boy!" drawled Lance Darby. "What is it?" asked Laura. "Purt's day is spoiled," declared Lance. "He has come off without his cigarettes."

"Some of the East Siders. They cater to him a lot, and you know," said Lance, with disgust, "tight as Purt is with money, if you flatter him you can pull his leg." "Dear me!" murmured Laura, "it is not in your province to use such slang, Lance. Leave that to Chet and Bobby." "Hey, Pretty!" Chet shouted to the very dandified lad, as he crossed the street toward them. "What luck, old top?"

Before Purt was dragged aboard by Art the dog was nearing his goal. They were well above the town of Lumberport now, and the shore along here was a shelving beach. After fighting the current the dog would have been unable to drag himself out had the bank been steep. "He's done it!" exclaimed Liz, eagerly. "Well! I declare I'm glad." "Gladder than you were over Purt?" chuckled Bobby.

He went suddenly " "Right after that party, I bet a cooky," cried Bobby. "Well ye-es," admitted Lily. "Scared!" exclaimed Jess. "The coward!" cried Laura. "And left poor Purt to face the music," Bobby observed. "Well, old Purt is better than we ever gave him credit for. Now we'll make him square himself with the police." It was Mr. Nemo of Nowhere, now Mr.

"Why I find that when I bought cartridges for that pistol I got thirty-eights and the pistol is a forty-five!" The whole crowd laughed at that. Purt Sweet really was too funny for anything. They got another good laugh on him before they went back to the island.

I'm awful little fer my size I'm purt' nigh littler 'an Some babies is! an' neighbers all calls me 'The Little Man'! An' Doc one time he laughed an' said: 'I 'spect, first think you know, You'll have a little spike-tail coat an' travel with a show! An' nen I laughed-till I looked round an' Aunty was a-cryin' Sometimes she acts like that, 'cause I got 'Curv'ture of the Spine'!"

And later they tried Ember Night in Lumberport and Keyport. Laura Belding was not proud of her success, however, for poor Short and Long had been badly burned. Fortunately his face was only blackened, and the doctors decided that he had not inhaled any of the scorching flame. Laura and Purt had wrapped him in the blanket so quickly that the fire was smothered almost at once.

And there, within a block, the dog was right at his heels again rather slinkingly, but with the joy of companionship in his eye. Now Purt was nearing the dock above the Main Street bridge where the motorboats were tied up. Whether the girls had returned or no, he hated to face the other fellows with this mongrel trailing at his heels. The situation sharpened Purt's wits.

But the more Purt shooed him, or attempted to hit him, or strove otherwise to send the brute about his business, the more the latter considered that the boy was playing with him, and he welcomed the game with loud and cheerful barks. Soon a small crowd was collected, watching the performance with broad grins.

Chopping wood had made his palms blister, sparks had snapped out of the fires he had made and burned holes in his clothes, and hot fat snapping from the skillet had left red marks on his hands and face. Having fun in camp was the hardest work Purt Sweet had ever done; but he was ashamed to "kick" about it before the girls.