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"Now you said a forkful," grumbled Chet, shaking his head. "Let's go in and see what father has to say about it. He was going to see Mr. Monroe at the First National. They say Mr. Monroe knows all about money knew the fellow who invented it, personally, I guess." The young folks found Mr. Belding in the library, and he welcomed them with his customary smile when the three came in.

And suppose the police do make inquiries?" "They will, of course," "And what will you boys tell them?" "Pooh!" returned Chet, going on to his room to dress, "they won't ask us because they don't know we know anything about it" "I guess you don't know much!" shouted Laura after him before he closed his door. It was the same when Jess Morse met Lance Darby on the way to Sunday School.

Her mother, Agnes Bradley, quiet, sincere and beautiful to look upon, kept just the check on her gay young daughter that the young girl needed. Billie had a brother, Chetwood Bradley, commonly known as "Chet" a boy as different from his sister as night is from day, yet, in his own more quiet way, extremely attractive.

He saw, in the floor, another circular door, but found no lever with which to operate it. Nor did he search for one, since he could have no way of knowing that here was where Chet had gone. But, from the corridor where he stood other lighted passages led; and one slanted more steeply than the rest. "That's the way I'm goin'," announced Spud.

They were swarming about in an instant. Chet had no time for even a shouted warning before he felt himself seized by their long, bony claws. Then a net of rough-fibered rope was flung about him, and he felt it draw tight as the winged beasts lifted him up and out into the void. "Wrong again!" Chet told himself ruefully. "We don't die at the center of the Moon, after all!"

I can't tell you what it is," Laura said, half sobbing. "Will you mind me, Chet?" "Surest thing you know!" declared her brother, heartily. "And without asking questions?" "That's putting a bit of a strain on me," laughed Chet. "But I know you must have a good reason, Sis. Only remember, when you want help, you haven't any friend like your own 'buddy." "I know it, dear," said Laura, kissing him.

There was no roof except the brush, and through the dry season none was needed except for shade. There was also at this place five brothers by the name of Helms, also from Missouri. Their names were Jim, Davenport, Wade, Chet and Daunt. These men, with Mr. Holman, owned the bed of the stream, and their ground proved to be quite wet and disagreeable to work. Mr.

With the same motion the girl had learned in roping cattle she flung the slicker over his head. Her weight on the left stirrup, she threw her arms about him and drew the oil coat tight. "Run, Chet!" she cried. Fox was off like a flash. Hampered by his rifle, Dave could use only one hand to free himself. The Rutherford girl clung as if her arms had been ropes of steel.

We had a little ride together not long since. I owe you a new raincoat. Don't I, Miss Beulah?" She blushed a little. "No, you don't, Mr. Dingwell. The mud came off after it dried." "That's good." Dave turned to Rutherford. The little devils of mischief were in his eyes. "Chet Fox was with us, but he didn't stay had an engagement, he said. He was in some hurry to keep it, too."

Bradley's startling announcement. Billie and Chet looked at one another as if to be sure that they had heard aright. "You say she left us something?" cried Billie breathlessly. "Yes. But don't let your hopes run away with you," Mr. Bradley warned them, "for it wasn't very much." "Oh, tell us," the two commanded eagerly and in unison. "She left a gold watch to Chet," Mrs. Bradley told them.