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It contains the same procession of specialty-mongers, the same cacophony of rag-time, the same gangway out into the audience which refreshes tired business men with a thrilling, worm's-eye view of dancing girls' knees au naturel. And up and down this straight and narrow pathway of the chorus there is the customary parade of the same haughty beauties of Broadway.

I was hesitating between a porcelain dragon, all constellated with warts, its mouth formidable with bristling tusks and ranges of teeth, and an abominable little Mexican fetich, representing the god Vitziliputzili au naturel, when I caught sight of a charming foot, which I at first took for a fragment of some antique Venus.

After the publication of Fils Naturel he had sent me a copy of it, which I had read with the interest and attention I ever bestowed on the works of a friend. The sentence in itself therefore required an interpretation; the more so from an author who, when he sent it to the press, had a friend retired from the world.

The official hesitated, and the onlookers, their sympathies engaged, murmured, "Ah, pauvre chien!" "C'est l'affection vois-tu?" "Il aime le chien, c'est naturel!" "L'affection, c'est toujours touchante!" The Commissionaire, his own inclination thus backed up by the prevailing sentiment, turned to me, and said

"I am an excellent climber," and together they started to explore the now narrowing valley, following the stream over steep rocks and fallen trees, and pushing through tangled undergrowth and among briers and bushes and around slippery banks until they came to another tortuous turn, where a second spring, welling up from under a flat, overhanging rock, tumbled down to augment the supply for the future lake; and here they stopped and had a drink of the cool, delicious water, Sam making the girl a cup from a huge leaf which she said made the water taste fuzzy, and then showing her how to get down on her hands and knees spreading his coat on the ground to protect her gown and drink au naturel, a trick at which she was most charming, and probably knew it.

A term applied to uncooked vegetables, to indicate that they are served in their natural state without sauce or dressing applied. Potatoes au naturel are served cooked; but unpeeled. A sauce made with white stock and cream or milk-named from a celebrated cook. Ice cream served in glaced shells, sometimes in paper cases. Bisque.

Sometimes they hang straight down au naturel, and sometimes they stop at the knee in which case, as Maw's au naturel is disposed to adipose they make a startling adjunct to the mountain scenery. But, bless her heart, Maw doesn't care! She is on her way and on her vacation, the first in all her life.

Oh, worm ver au naturel capital, capital!" After this there is nothing to do but to eat, and this the toad does without the smallest delay. For leisurely indifference, followed by a business-like grab, nothing can beat a toad. Almost before the cover is lifted, figuratively speaking, the worm's head and tail are wriggling, like a lively moustache, out of the sides of the toad's mouth.

There is a wonderful absence of mauvaise honte about her, and yet I believe that, little as she knows of her own deficiencies, she is really modest 'Very possibly, said Kendal; 'it is a curious study, a character taken so much au naturel, and suddenly transported into the midst of such a London triumph as this.

They comprehended, besides much in English and Scotch law, Burlamaqui's Principes de Droit Naturel, Montesquieu, de l'Esprit des Lois, the Institutes of Justinian, certain titles of the Pandects, and Puffendorf de Officio Hominis et Civis juxta Legem Naturalem. The lectures of Chancellor Wythe at William and Mary, like those of Mr.