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The Liberry Teacher knew that it was her duty to go over and hypnotize the child into reading something which would lead more directly to Browning and Strindberg. But she didn't. "Poor little wop!" she thought unacademically. "Let her be happy in her own way!" And the Liberry Teacher herself went on being unhappy in her own way. "I'm just a battered bisque doll!" she repeated to herself bitterly.

Thorpe took up the card dreamily. "There are no oysters and clams now," said he, "so we'll pass right on to the soup. It seems to me a desecration to pretend to replace them. We'll have a bisque," he told the waiter, "rich and creamy. Then planked whitefish, and have them just a light crisp, brown. You can bring some celery, too, if you have it fresh and good.

I had very little of that left before I sat down, I can tell you! A Sarcastic and Solitary Diner. Waiter, could you spare me one moment of your valuable time? The E.A. Confound it all! Afraid of it, eh? Well, Bisque is apt to disagree with some people. I didn't order lager. You might have left me the soup, at all events! Well well it's no use saying any more about it.

He liked to have them look at the toys, and sometimes he showed them how steam engines or flying machines worked. Of course there were many dolls, big and little Sawdust Dolls, Bisque Dolls, Wooden Dolls, some very handsomely dressed, with silk or satin dresses and white stockings and white kid shoes. And some had the cutest hats, and some even had gloves, think of that!

It is needless to trouble the reader with the various authorities for the above statements: I have consulted the best. The previous inscription once existing on the church itself: "Anno milleno transacto bisque trigeno Desuper undecimo fuit facta primo," But, at all events, before the close of the eleventh century the great consecration of the church took place.

"No, I'll come in for my board and lodging, but all the rest of the time look for me here! I'm going to have some lavender frocks made, dimities and organdies, and then I'll be part of the picture." "Oh, do! I can't wear lavender or purple," Patty sighed. "Nonsense! Of course you can. You only mean you've never tried. That bisque doll complexion of yours will stand any color.

It was a clean, well-kept place, though, and by the quality of the tomato bisque and the steamed clams that we started with I judged we was actually goin' to be surprised with some real food.

But she was wrong. One is apt to exaggerate things on a workaday Saturday afternoon. She looked more like a pretty bisque figurine; slim and clear-cut, and a little neglected, perhaps, by its owners, and dressed in working clothes instead of the pretty draperies it should have had; but needing only a touch or so, a little dusting, so to speak, to be as good as ever.

"Why, this is Anna Belle," returned the child, laughing and lifting the bisque beauty so that the full radiance of her smile beamed upon her companion. "That's your great-grandfather, dearie, that I've told you about," she said patronizingly. "We've been so excited the last few days since we knew we were coming," looking again at Mr. Evringham.

A richly carved mahogany "what-not" against one wall was laden with sea-shells and other curios. At various points about the room were many statuettes, vases, and figures, of every conceivable size and shape some of bisque, others of common pottery, a few of exquisite marble all standing upon the floor.