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Pickwick's apartment on the morning after the trial, 'surely you don't really mean really and seriously now, and irritation apart that you won't pay these costs and damages? 'Not one halfpenny, said Mr. Pickwick firmly; 'not one halfpenny. 'Hooroar for the principle, as the money-lender said ven he vouldn't renew the bill, observed Mr. Weller, who was clearing away the breakfast-things.

He kept up his intimacy with his friends at Wittenberg through his letters to his wife, and by a correspondence with his friend Jerome Weller, who had come to live in his house, and who assisted in the education of his son, little Hans. Weller, formerly a jurist, and already thirty years old, was then studying theology at Wittenberg.

'Anythin' for a quiet life, said Mr. Weller; and on they went again. 'Stop! said Mr. Pickwick, after they had gone a few yards farther. 'What now? said Wardle. 'That gun of Tupman's is not safe: I know it isn't, said Mr. Pickwick. 'Eh? What! not safe? said Mr. Tupman, in a tone of great alarm. 'Not as you are carrying it, said Mr. Pickwick.

First came his own party, which included Skelton, Feather, Evans, Lashly and Handsley; secondly there was a small party for the geologist, Ferrar, who was accompanied by Kennar and Weller; and thirdly there were the supports, consisting of Dailey, Williamson and Plumley.

Are the people of well, why mention names of living authors? of whom you will are those as much to the young readers of 1890 as Quentin Durward, and Colonel Newcome, and Sam Weller, and Becky Sharp, and Anne Elliot, and Elizabeth Bennett, and Jane Eyre were to young readers of 1860?

It was apt to develop Peregrines; and Lord Elcho himself might have furnished Smollett with suitable adventures. There can be no doubt that Cadwallader Crabtree suggested Sir Malachi Malagrowther to Scott, and that Hatchway and Pipes, taking up their abode with Peregrine in the Fleet, gave a hint to Dickens for Sam Weller and Mr. Pickwick in the same abode.

''Cos ugliness and svindlin' never ought to be formiliar with elegance and wirtew, replied Mr. Weller. 'Ought they, Mr. Muzzle? 'Not by no means, replied that gentleman. Here Mary laughed, and said the cook had made her; and the cook laughed, and said she hadn't. 'I ha'n't got a glass, said Mary. 'Drink with me, my dear, said Mr. Weller.

Stiggins began a third round of toast, and nodded assent. 'And he wouldn't be persuaded by the ladies, wouldn't he? said Sam. 'Sat and smoked his pipe, and said the infant negroes were what did he say the infant negroes were? said Mrs. Weller. 'Little humbugs, replied Mr. Stiggins, deeply affected. 'Said the infant negroes were little humbugs, repeated Mrs. Weller.

'If I couldn't get into it easier than that, I'm blessed if I'd vear vun at all, rejoined his son. 'You think so now, said Mr. Weller, with the gravity of age, 'but you'll find that as you get vider, you'll get viser. Vidth and visdom, Sammy, alvays grows together. As Mr.

Winkle, merely informing him that he was detained by stress of weather, but would certainly be in London next day; until when he deferred any account of his proceedings. This note was hastily made into a parcel, and despatched to the bar per Mr. Samuel Weller.