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It was to this exciting spectacle that old Wardle brought a party in that wonderful Barouche of his which is really phenomenal for its accommodation. When Mr. Pickwick recovered his hat, he found these persons in the carriage: 1, Wardle; 2, a daughter; 3, a second ditto; 4, a sister; 5, Trundle; 6, Tupman; 7, Fat Boy, on the box.

The pursuit of Jingle and Miss Wardle by the lady's father and Mr. Pickwick, culminates in the "White Hart," which, in days gone by, was one of the most famous of the many famous inns that then stood in the borough of Southwark.

Winkle caught the bell-rope in his hand, it was arrested by a general expression of astonishment; the captive lover, his face burning with confusion, suddenly walked in from the bedroom, and made a comprehensive bow to the company. 'Hollo! cried Wardle, releasing the fat boy's collar, and staggering back. 'What's this?

Wardle, upon which they all three laughed, especially the two last-named gentlemen, who at once shook hands again, without any obvious or particular reason. 'You dine with me to-day, said Wardle to Perker, as he showed them out. 'Can't promise, my dear Sir, can't promise, replied Perker. 'I'll look in, in the evening, at all events. 'I shall expect you at five, said Wardle.

Augustus, for Heaven's sake, explain it! Mr. Snodgrass, who had only waited for a hearing, at once recounted how he had been placed in his then distressing predicament; how the fear of giving rise to domestic dissensions had alone prompted him to avoid Mr. Wardle on his entrance; how he merely meant to depart by another door, but, finding it locked, had been compelled to stay against his will.

Mary Anne Clark, of notorious memory. Upon that occasion the public feeling was so unanimous, that Mr. Cobbett's motion, for a vote of thanks to Colonel Wardle, was carried by a very large majority.

This warrant officer joined us at Gommecourt in 1917; his energy and fearlessness at once brought him to the front, and he soon rose from Serjeant to be Company-Serjeant-Major. His place in "A" Company was taken by Serjeant Wardle, of "C" Company. As soon as they were relieved Companies marched to Loisne Chateau, where they were to entrain.

There I walked into the first room I saw the sanctum of some managerial bashaw, for aught I knew and placed Constance comfortably in a huge easy chair of green leather. Wardle brought some water, for Constance was in a fainting state still; but I hurried him off again to look for bread and soup.

The words came back to her mind like the hideous incident of a dream we cannot for shame repeat aloud, and made her flesh creep. But then, suppose the girl had been her Dolly Wardle, grown big, or her own little maid, whom she never saw again, who died near fifty years ago!

That's a hundred and twelve say a hundred come. 'And twenty, said Mr. Jingle. 'Come, come, I'll write you a cheque, said the little man; and down he sat at the table for that purpose. 'I'll make it payable the day after to-morrow, said the little man, with a look towards Mr. Wardle; 'and we can get the lady away, meanwhile. Mr. Wardle sullenly nodded assent. 'A hundred, said the little man.