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"Well, that is a koorious way," said Bumpus with a broad grin. "But not the whole truth," continued Henry. "You must just tell him as much as it is good for him to know, and nothing more; and as the thing must be done at once, I'll tell you what you have got to say."

Now," added the young man, rising and lighting a piece of tinder at the torch on the wall, "it's about time that we should putt it to the test. If things don't go wrong, you'll hear summat koorious overhead before long." He applied a light to the quick-match as he spoke, and awaited the result.

At the conclusion of a remark, he looked up in Mrs Dashwood's puzzled face, and said, "That's 'ow it is, d'ye see?" "No, I don't see," replied Mary, with a smile. "No? well, now, that is koorious. W'y, it's as plain as the nose on my face. See here.

"It is wery koorious," continued John, taking his pipe out of his mouth and addressing himself to it with much gravity "wery koorious. Things always seems wot they isn't, and turns out to be wot they didn't appear as if they wasn't; werry odd indeed, it is!

They may be tellin' truth, or they may be tellin' lies; I dun know; anyhow, I'm koorious to know somethin' about it, so I'm goin' north to see for myself, and I've comed to ask if Swiftarrow will go with me."

"Humph," ejaculated the mate contemptuously, for Cupples, although a kind-hearted man, was somewhat cynical and had not a particle of sentiment in his soul. Indeed he showed so little of this that Larry was wont to say he "didn't belave he had a sowl at all, but was only a koorious specimen of an animated body." "It's my opinion, doctor, that you'd as well come down, for it's goin' to blow hard."

Fortunately the hermit's sharp and practised eye had enabled him to distinguish the birds in the distance before their advance had alarmed them, so that they were able to reach a mound topped with low bushes over which they could easily watch the birds. "Zat is very koorious an' most interesting," murmured the professor after a short silence. He was right.

He's a queer man is daddy, an' putts things to ye in a queer way sometimes. `Timmy, says he to me once he calls me Timmy out o' fondness, you know `Timmy, says he, `if you comed up to a great thick glass wall, not very easy to see through, wi' a door in it, an' you was told that some day that door would open, an' you'd have to go through an' live on the other side o' that glass wall, you'd be koorious to know the lie o' the land on the other side o' that wall, wouldn't you, and what sort o' customers you'd have to consort wi' there, eh?

"It is wery koorious," continued John, taking his pipe out of his mouth and addressing himself to it with much gravity "wery koorious. Things always seems wot they isn't, and turns out to be wot they didn't appear as if they wasn't; werry odd indeed, it is!

"They do seem rather koorious," observed Reuben, as one of the Indians timidly touched his arm and looked wonderingly up into his blue eyes.