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The ape-man fossil found in the tertiary strata of the island of Java in 1891 by the Dutch surgeon Dr. Eugene Dubois, and named Pithecanthropus erectus, may have been a direct descendant of the American tribe of primitive lemurs, though this is only a conjecture. Not all the strange beasts which have left their remains in our "bad lands" are represented by living descendants.

It will be instructive to pass in review a few of the more famous prehistoric remains of man which have at one time and another been declared undeniable proof of a development, through intermediate stages, of the human body from the body of a brute. Pithecanthropus Erectus is the name invented by Haeckel for the "missing link," and given by Dr.

But, after all, there is something very taking about a prophecy fulfilled, and so the appearance of Pithecanthropus erectus created no small sensation in the zoological world. He was hailed by Haeckel and his followers as the veritable "missing link," and as such gained immediate notoriety.

But I follow the genealogical tree of these strange and tender woes beyond Adam and Eve or the Pithecantropus Erectus, even should I then have to launch my accusations at Powers which from generation to generation have imprinted in us the belief in their inviolability. And now observe what makes the matter still more strange and illogical.